Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Slightly off topic

As most of you may know on top of the Manga Gothic Movie I have two other productions in the pipeline. The Tinsel City movie and the Ariel High School Devil-Girl OVA series. I am of course utilising DAZ-Studio and Anime Studio Pro as always. Trying my best to prove that affordable doesn't nessecarily mean cheap. Obviosly each new project needs a fresh perspective. A new apporoach and a new image. Thats always a difficult thing to achieve on any project. I always prided myself on being multi-styled with my work when I did 2D manga work. Covering all kinds of of styles and genres from Shonen aaction to shojo. The same must also apply with my animation work. Just when I was about to give up trying, as always with these issues for me some miricle shows up on my doorstep. It just goes to show that with some patience you always get what you need at least if not what you want:
As you can see I have finally acheived the looks I need for all three projects. I just love the Toon effect I made for Ariel (See right) and I have deliberty tried to pull off some psuedo-Pixa look for Tinsel City (Above) all using DAZ-Studio and Anime Studio Pro. If you want the Shaders for DAZ-Studio you can find on the Daz-Studio forum at

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Nothing to get too excited about but hey

East meets Goth

Always difficult coming up with an oriental twist in Gothic media. Keji of the Locust Clan was no different. He's been trhough a couple of changes today, and taken a special effects test run. The animation needs both refining and speeding up to create the Hadoken effect I am looking for, but thankfully ParticleFX comes up with a more than satisfactory swarm of locusts effects.

I have also been looking into the soundtrack today and Magnatune seems like a great place to get unique musice for the film particually from a band I've admired for a while, Artemis

Friday, April 11, 2008


Finally I found the perfect antogonists to the Manga Gothic three. Jack frost. Ironically it was both Neil Gaiman's Sandman and the Naruto Shippuuden soundtrack that inspired this misuderstood character. He is the very same Jack Frost in legend. His power is seemingly without limit and his ambitions as ambiguous as any of the Forever's, but he also seems the perfect rival for Brussels, who loves to push the envelope against anything or anyone.
I am currently working on two test scenes invloving this character. One for the opening sequence of the move and another involving a showdown between Frost and the Manga Gothic Trio, Raynah, Brussels and Eiko.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Manga Gothic Movie

I have decided to start this blog on the prduction of the Manga Gothic movie and OVA series. I have been utilising Daz Studio with Anime Studio and ParticleFX and am coming up with some very interesting if not satisfying results... but ahh for a more powerful computer...

One day....